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Here for you is an original oil painting on tempered glass with gold leaf.

50"x30" framed in Serafin's signature black satin wood floater style frame.

Other framing is an option. 

I include a secure cleat hanging system on the back which is easy to install.

I discovered reverse painting about 15 years ago. A college professor of mine had advised us to use a piece of tempered glass as our pallet. After several years of use, one day in my studio I did a routine scrap off when I noticed the beautiful mess of color on the other side. I had no idea what reverse painting was, I just loved the look and feel of what I was seeing. A few months into this new medium, I soon discovered reverse painting had been around since the Middle Ages. Oddly enough, I never saw reverse painting exhibited anywhere. I didn’t even know it existed. All I knew was, I was in!

Combining my skills and love for this new medium, I wanted to bring reverse painting back to the forefront. Painting in reverse and backwards on glass was a little daunting at first. But a challenge and something fresh is what I was after. So, over the years I honed in my own recipe of combining many thin layers of oil paint with gold and silver leaf. Each painting takes me 1-3 months depending on size, subject, weather etc. Taking my time with each piece is key to a successful outcome.

My glass paintings bring a whole new dimension into your living space. Often, collectors will end up owning more than one due to various reasons. Like improving their mood, reducing stress, reminding them of that special trip and so forth. The feedback I have received over the years truly has touched my heart. I feel blessed that my artwork can make people happy.

Here for you, 52x32

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